
Grease Trap Guide: Find the Best Fit for Your Restaurant’s Needs

Grease traps are mandatory in every commercial kitchen, whether at the local school cafeteria or your restaurant.  The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in Ireland enforces that all restaurants that produce FOG(Fats, Oils, and grease) particles and kitchen waste must have a commercial grease trap for the kitchen.  However, with different sizes and working mechanisms, which one is right for you?

By the end of reading this post, you’ll hopefully have all your doubts answered and make the right choice.  Irrespective of the type and size of the FOG catcher you choose, make sure to hire professionals for grease trap installation.  A few bucks saved on amateur installation may cost you immensely in the long run. 

The best grease trap cleaning service recommends these tips for selecting the right grease trap:    

1.  Know the different types of grease traps 

grease traps 
Opening a grease trap” by Anna Farrell Photography is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

While new technologies are researched and emerging every other day, restaurants primarily use one of the following three types of grease traps:

  • Automatic Grease Recovery Units (AGRU) – This is the best FOG catcher money can buy.  These are large units that are extremely efficient at catching grease.  If you have a large restaurant, this is the unit you want.  They have skimming blades that can easily cut through thick and solid waste and transfer it to an external container.  The only disadvantage of this unit is its steep price.  You’ll save more in the long run since it requires minimal upkeep. 
  • Hydrochemical Grease Traps—As the name suggests, this trap uses several mechanical components and high-pressure water to catch and collect grease.  With each use, the filth in the trap increases, requiring regular grease trap maintenance.  These devices also have a smaller capacity and are suitable for small restaurants on a budget. 
  • Gravity InterceptorsDon’t have the budget for an AGRU but have a large kitchen?  Well, gravity interceptors offer the ideal solution.  They can clean hundreds of gallons of grease and food particles and sit under or outside your kitchen, completely isolating the waste. 

To ensure proper operation of these grease traps, it’s vital to get professional help installing them.

2.  Consider the size 

Usually, the incoming flow rate(IFR) helps quickly estimate grease trap size.  IFR is the amount of wastewater your kitchen produces.  It’s important to consider the IFR at your restaurant’s peak hours to determine the grease trap’s size.  Once you have figured out the max IFR, choose a grease trap with double that capacity to eliminate all possibilities of overflow or cross-contamination. 

For instance, if you have calculated the IFR to be 25 gallons, you must get a grease trap with a capacity of 50 gallons.  You must also consider the number of grease traps you want in your establishment.  For instance, if you have more than two sinks and wish to place an optimal FOG catcher under each, you may consider getting several smaller grease traps instead of a large one. 

3.  Choose the right material

As a restaurant owner, you’ll have two options for grease trap material: stainless steel and plastic.  Plastic grease traps are lightweight and have a low upfront cost.  Cleaning and installing them is also less complicated, translating to a low grease trap installation price.  However, they can degrade rather quickly and must be replaced more often. 

While plastic grease traps for small restaurants can be a bootstrapping measure, upgrading to a stainless steel option with acid resistance is best.  These traps are highly durable, made for handling high volumes, and usually backed by at least a half-decade warranty.  If your restaurant gets more traffic, upgrading to a stainless steel grease trap helps reduce your operational costs. 

The following is an analysis of guidelines that should assist you in arriving at the right unit for your food service business.  You must also clarify personal characteristics with your local government about some particularities you must observe to be legal.  The term that you hire a professional to install the grease trap for you, to have it cleaned, and regular maintenance to enhance its efficiency and durability.

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