
Certain Invisalign facts to clarify before signing up for the treatment

There are a real large number of people in this world including the United Kingdom who prefer an inconspicuous way of straightening the teeth. For this large number of people Invisalign is the best way to straighten the teeth. This revolutionary system to straighten the teeth offers many benefits compared to traditional metal braces. These inconspicuous appliances are easier to maintain and remain nearly undetectable.

In addition to that it offers much greater levels of comfort. Considering all the benefits the treatment offers it is highly relevant to ask how much does the treatment cost o in the UK. In the following section of this post let us breakdown the cost of the treatment so that it becomes easier taking an informed decision for you.

Invisalign involves customisation

Clear transparent aligners that Invisalign uses to shift the teeth into the correct alignment are custom fitted for the teeth of each individual. This innovative clear transparent aligner system is actually a customised treatment procedure, explains a dentist who charges reasonable cost for Invisalign in London. The customised procedure meets individual dental needs of patients. This revolutionary treatment to straighten the teeth no way belongs to the category of “one size fits all”.

In other words this is to say each person’s experience on Invisalign will be different when the treatment cost is considered. As far as the United Kingdom is concerned, the cost of the treatment typically ranges from£1500 to £5000. As far as the majority of the cases are concerned the cost comes between £2500 and £3500 provided there is no serious oral health issue involved.

Comparing between Invisalign and traditional braces

Which one is costlier –Invisalign or traditional braces? The standard cost of conventional braces ranges from £1500 to £2500. In some cases Invisalign may prove little costlier but you can be rest assured that there are loads of benefits to adjust the extra expense. Invisalign helps you avoid a lot of hassles in one hand while on the other saves you from social embarrassment on several occasions which are simply unavoidable with traditional braces. Considering all the advantages it offers over traditional braces there is no other option for you to accept the fact that it is a discreet treatment alternative to the fixed braces system.

Choosing your best Invisalign option

Invisalign offers a range of treatment options depending upon individual needs of patients. Here is a brief introduction to different treatment options that Invisalign offers.

  • Comprehensive or all-inclusive Invisalign treatment – this treatment suits best for complicated cases of misalignment of the teeth or the jaws. The usual cost ranges from £3000 to all-inclusive £5500.
  • Invisalign Express – this treatment is meant for cases of mild misalignment and the cost ranges between £1500 and £3000.
  • Invisalign Lite – this version of the treatment is meant for cases that involve mild misalignment and the cost ranges from £2500 to £4000.
  • Invisalign Teen – as the name of the treatment suggests this procedure is for teenagers who have an evolving dental structure.
  • Invisalign Go – a dentist who quotes reasonable price for Invisalign in London says this treatment is for those who require less extensive correction of alignment of their teeth and the cost ranges from £2000 to £5500.

The table below will help underlining the cost of various Invisalign treatments more easily.

Type of Invisalign treatment Average Cost Standard duration
Invisalign Full £3,000 – £5,500 12 to 18 months
Invisalign Lite £2,500 – £4,000 6 to 8 months
Invisalign Express £1,500 – £3,000 3 to 6 months
Invisalign Go £2,000 – £5,500. 3 to 12 Months
Invisalign Teen £2,300 – £5,000 6 to 12 months


It is important to note that your individual treatment plan may come with a different price than the ones mentioned above.

The role of dental insurance in Invisalign treatment

Dental insurance policies usually reduce the expense of dental care by a considerable extent. Many insurance providers in the United Kingdom now include Invisalign in their plans. You must go through your existing dental insurance policy carefully to find out whether it covers this cutting-edge treatment to straighten the teeth. If your policy covers the treatment then your “out of pocket” expenses will be much reasonable.

Other finance plans

In order to make Invisalign more affordable in London a number of private dentists offer easy finance options. The total cost of the treatment is spread over a period of 12 or 24 months during which you keep clearing easy monthly instalments. Usually these finance plans come with 0% interest and thus you do not have to pay a single penny in excess. Thanks to these finance options the cost of your treatment may come down to as reasonable as £28 a month. However while signing up for such plans you must check out whether the cost of retainers, follow up appointments and that of tooth whitening are included in the plan or charged additionally.

The NHS and the Invisalign treatment

It is relevant to mention that the NHS does not offer this cutting-edge treatment to straighten the teeth. As far as teeth straightening treatments are concerned the NHS offers standard metal braces for teenagers that too on certain conditions. For the latest treatments like Invisalign you have no better option but to depend on private dentists and bear the entire cost of your treatment out of your own pocket.

Invisalign and regional cost

Just like regular dentistry treatments the price of Invisalign also varies based on the location of your preferred dental practice. The cost is obviously higher in the city and as you move to the rural areas the price comes down to a significant extent. In London the average cost of the treatment is around £2770 whereas in places like Birmingham it is around £2000. Apart from the location factor qualifications and experience of a dentist, reputation and track record or a practice and certain other factors also have a role in determining the cost of the treatment.

Use of retainers and aftercare

Invisalign London is a continuous process. Retainers and follow up appointments are just as significant parts of your treatment as the clear plastic retainers that actually exert the pressure on your teeth to make them move into their correct position. The outcome of your treatment depends on all these factors to say the least. You must clarify about these aftercare expenses with your dentist before the starting of your treatment.

The Bayswater Dental Clinic is one of the most assured places in London to undergo the treatment. The surgery possesses an impressive track record in handling these cases.

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